Sono lieta di segnalare
l'incontro con gli studenti delle scuole di Tolentino (MC)
di domani 24 febbraio 2016, con Francesco Filippi,
autore di un magnifico lungometraggio di animazione
sulla violenza psicologica e fisica,
grazie alla collaborazione delle associazioni culturali
Abbiamo conosciuto questo progetto durante la presentazione
alla scorsa edizione di Bologna Book Fair ed attualmente ancora in elaborazione.
Siamo in attesa quindi dell'uscita del lavoro, che dalla anteprima bolognese,
ci ha entusiasmato per sensibilità e bellezza!
...proseguono poi i lavori e gli eventi del progetto WAI
European Paths:
Rights, Movements, Society
WAI Event 2
Integration: Memory, Tales And Images In A
Between Old And New Generations Of European People
And in this manner it
happened. Our little John passed through the wall exactly like Alice passed
through the mirror and, jutted out from it on the other side, broadened his own
arms and bowed, like a gymnast on balance beam.
(Jiří Kratochvil, Giovannino e il re, in 1989.
dieci storie per attraversare i muri, Roma, Orecchio Acerbo, 2009)
On the 23rd of February
2016 meetings of the Osservatorio di Genere (Gender of Observatory - ODG) with high-schools students of
Macerata for the Walls and Integration: images of Europe building (WAI)
project will begin. The
head institution of this project, granted within the programme Europe for
Citizens, is the Municipality of Macerata and the partners are the cultural association
Osservatorio di Genere, the high-school Istituto
Tecnico Commerciale Gentili of Macerata, the University of Trento (Italy), the
University of Padua (Italy), the University of Oviedo (Spain), the SUATEA (a Spanish
trade union), the Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), the Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität (Germany), the University College Cork (Irland) and the Eotvos
Lorand Tudomanyegyetem – Budapest (Hungary). All
these institutions get expertise in design and management of European projects.
meetings are part of the activities that the ODG will realize within the Event
2, Integration: la memoria, i racconti e le immagini in un confronto tra
vecchie e nuove generazioni di europei (Integration: memory, tales and images
in a comparison between old and new generations of European people).
Similar activities will be organized by the other partners of the WAI project:
in Spain experts of the SUATEA and in Lithuania experts of the Vytautas Magnus
students that will participate in these meetings attend the following high-schools:
The Liceo Classico “Leopardi” (on the 23rd of February 2016), the ITC
“Gentili” (on the 26th of February 2016), the Liceo Scientifico
“Galileo Galilei” (on the 8th of March 2016) and the Istituto
Agrario “Giuseppe Garibaldi” (on the 8th marzo 2016). The classes engaged are eigth. They will reflect on the keywords
that have inspired the project together with the scholars of the ODG. These
keywords are: WALLS, as real and ideological walls that
cause political, cultural and habits divisions; INTEGRATION, considered as a
long way in the direction of an inclusive Europe; BUILDING, considered as a
developing process. The meetings will also represent the occasion to
present the photographic exhibit that will be set
up at Macerata in May and in which all the material gathered by the
partners of the WAI project will be collected over the following months among
Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Hungary, Germany and Ireland. Photographs, posters and
vignettes, that will part of the exhibition, will be useful to reflect on walls of past and on physical and symbolic walls that are
calling into question Europe as we know at the present time, compromising an
integration process that is not fully completed.
On the 12nd
of May 2016, lastly, in conjunction with the opening of the exhibit, all the
students engaged in the project will attend a lectio magistralis given
by Simone Attilio Bellezza, a scholar of the University of Trento. The lecture
titled, Un immaginario europeo: l'Ucraina dall'URSS all'Euromajdan, (A European collective consciousness: Ukraine
from the USSR to the Euromajdan) will take place in the auditorium of the ITC “Gentili” institute of
Macerata from 11.00 am to 01.00 pm and is aimed at providing
the students with instruments of interpretation to read current events and to
comprehend how “peripheral” conflicts could have consequences on the
construction process of the European Union.
Further information on the
event and on the WAI project (prog. n.
562858-CITIZ-1-2015-1-IT-CITIZ-REMEM, financed within the Europe for
citizens) are available on the web site dedicated to the project: It has been realized by the students of the ITC
“Gentili” institute under the supervision of Professor Letizia Catarini in
collaboration with the experts of the Gender Observatory.
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